The \”Bad Guy\” Theory

For most of my life, I have had an interesting relationship with being the \”bad guy\” in people\’s stories.
On the one hand, I genuinely don\’t enjoy hurting people, and so I often allow myself to be painted as the \”bad guy\” (i.e. taking all the blame) when I have issues/disputes/misunderstandings with people. On the other hand, I don\’t really enjoy \”debating\” with people (especially opinionated people who always have to be right). \"justWhich means most times, when I discuss controversial or potentially controversial issues, I keep my opinion to myself. Partly because I don\’t have the patience for stubborn people (lol) but mostly because I don\’t want to be on the receiving end of anyone\’s disapproval.
However, over the last couple of weeks, I have been toying with the idea of being the \”bad guy\” in the story, and I have come to a few realisations.
Realisation number one. In some situations being the \”bad guy\” doesn\’t make you a \”bad person\”. For example, recently, I have read a lot of articles and posts about sexual abuse and gender equality. Surprisingly, a lot of those posts have received a large number of negative criticism even though the issues raised in the posts have been valid. Now, to a lot of people, the writers of these posts are the \”bad guys\” however, in reality, they aren\’t the \”bad guys\”. In reality, they are a voice for those who are on the receiving end of gender inequality and sexual abuse which are important issues.
So what does this have to do with the \”bad guy\” image?\"excelent Well, we live in a world with ever-increasing problems, and we often shy away from speaking up on important issues because we don\’t want to be the \”bad guy\”. Or we do not want people to view us as the \”bad guy\”. However, the truth is, we cannot change the wrong things around us if we remain silent. And most times, speaking up will temporarily make you the \”bad guy\” because people do not like to be challenged or told they are wrong.
Another realisation is this. The \”bad guy\” is something fear tells you to keep you from stepping out of your comfort zone and to make you doubt your self-worth. It is probably hard to swallow this \”idea\” but think about it for a minute. When you don\’t understand that your thoughts and opinions are valid, you shy away from voicing them. Which in turn leads to my first point. You shy away from sharing those thoughts because you are scared of the response, you might receive.

You shy away from sharing those thoughts because you are scared of the response, you might receive.

In the past, I often played the \”bad guy\” role because I felt if someone was upset with me, then my feelings weren\’t valid. Even when the person\’s emotions were misplaced, I still felt I had to be the \”bad guy\” so the other person would not be hurt and would feel better. I have now realised that it is not my place to prevent people from getting hurt by their actions. That is something they need to deal with themselves.
I guess at the end of the day, what I am trying to say is, it\’s okay if people see you as the \”bad guy\” if you are doing it in the right way and for the right reason. Everybody who has made a difference in this world was a \”bad guy\” at one point or the other. Finally, your thoughts, feelings and opinions are valid. You don\’t have to bury them or accept undeserved blame because you think you deserve it or because you are avoiding a confrontation. \"speak
So speak up, your voice matters.

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