Like a lot of young people, ladies I went through a phase in secondary school where I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I had this idea of what the perfect young lady looked like, how she acted and even how she thought and unfortunately, I didn’t fit into that pattern
but all the girls at my school did.
There were so many things I tried doing in secondary school, but because I compared myself to other people and found myself lacking, I stopped. I gave up.
It wasn’t as if I was bad at those things, not at all! I just felt like I wasn’t good enough and would never be good enough at them.Now that I look back, I realise that all that was just hogwash!!
You see, the problem was, I was focused on other people and comparing myself to them, instead of being the person I was made to be. I guess it’s one of the reasons I hate comparison. Because it cost me a lot when I was younger.
Fast-forward to last week. It would surprise you to know or maybe it won\’t that last week, I found myself doing the same thing I did some 10 years ago! Comparing myself to people. And not even in useful productive things, nah, not there.
I found myself comparing myself to certain people on social media, and how they talk, their online persona, etc.
Today I realised it and I was just like, \”Can you see yourself? Like really, what exactly are you doing?”
I don’t need to tell anyone all the cliché stuff we see/read/hear on the internet about comparison. I mean, we all know that we are meant to be ourselves and not other people etc.
However, the thing I do think we need to be reminded of is this.
We are who we are and we were created that way for a reason. If someone cannot accept you for who you are, then maybe the person doesn’t deserve such a high position in your life.
You were not created by mistake, nothing about you was/is a mistake. And I think there in lies the problem for a lot of people. We think there was some mistake when we were created. We think if we were smaller, bigger, taller, we’d be better. We think if we talked more or talked less we would be great. We think if we were anything but the way we are we would do better, and that’s just not true.
You are who you are for a reason, and God doesn’t make mistakes. There is a reason you are the way you are and that you can\’t see it doesn’t make it less there.
At the end of the day, you are beautiful and perfect because you are the child of a beautiful and perfect God. No, this message isn’t just for people who are Christians by the way.
Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work at developing your skills, or work on making yourself better. No… I\’m simply saying understand that you are amazing the way you are and the person to your right is amazing the way that person is. There\’s no need to compare. It’s as simple as that. Do your own thing the way you know how. Somebody out there loves you just like that. And if you think nobody does, well God loves you just the way you are and tbh His love is really the most amazing love you can ever experience!
I guess the moral of the story is this. Love yourself the way you are! The more you love yourself, the more you will flourish and blossom into a butterfly!
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