A crisis of faith. A lot of people who believe in a Supreme Being experience this at some point in time in their walk of faith.
Everyone knows I’m a hardcore Grey’s Anatomy fan. I mean, this is my third time watching the show from the beginning and I don’t feel any type of way. LOL. Anyways, for anyone who has been watching the show, you’ll know that April Kepner has been having a major crisis of faith. So much so that she has abandoned everything that she once held dear to herself because of it. To be very honest I understand and empathize with her character and what she is going through
(she\’s had her fair share of crap happen to her).
I always have a problem with how silent Christians are about how hard life can be at times. They tend to paint Christianity as pink roses and blue skies all day every day, but it isn’t. Too often, people turn away from the faith because they think maybe God isn’t really for them. I mean, the pastor said when I receive Jesus life will be rosy, but my life isn’t, so maybe Jesus isn’t really for me. Maybe I’m doing it wrong, and then they walk away. Or if I do x, y, and z I\’ll be successful and live well and be happy, but it doesn\’t really work like that.
Like April, so many of us grow up following or trying to follow all the commands in the Bible. We don’t drink alcohol, lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, etc, but somehow, the people who are doing all of those things seem to be making it in life and we are stuck in a rut. It’s devastating. It hurts and it makes you feel foolish. Because it seems like all your \”being good\” is for nothing.
In my opinion, having a crisis of faith is nothing to be ashamed of. Because almost everyone goes through it and it\’s at this point you get to discover for yourself what your faith means to you and why you believe. In the last Grey\’s episode, the Rabbi asked Kepner why she expected life to be fair? I mean, if life was fair, Jesus wouldn’t have died on the cross, because that wasn’t fair for him. He said if life was fair Moses would have seen the promised land and on and on he went. Which begs the question of, why do you believe? Is your faith simply because you want to be blessed? Is that why you follow the commands? Pray every day and go to church? Is it for the blessings you want/expect/need? Or is there more?
At some point, you have to question yourself and your faith. You can’t keep doing it because you were born into it. Sooner or later, you need to ask yourself those hard questions and challenge what you have been taught all your life. You need to test the words you’ve been told. Why? Well, if you don’t, when life gets tough and you’re getting knocked over and under, if you don’t know for yourself what and why you believe, it becomes very easy to abandon the faith.
These day’s I’m quite frustrated with where I’m at in my life. However, even when I’m mad at God and tempted to scream, I still trust Him. Because no matter how upset and angry I am, a huge part of me still believes in what He has said concerning me.
I can only say this because my faith is mine. It isn’t my parents or my friends, it\’s mine. And that\’s why I don’t beat myself up if I don’t read my Bible first thing in the morning every day. Or why I don\’t swallow everything \”Internet evangelists\” spew at me.
It\’s also why I can feel like my life isn\’t working but somehow trust in this God that I can\’t see. Because my faith is mine and I have come to the point where I know and understand that it’s not by how many rules I follow. It’s about a relationship.
A crisis of faith might seem scary or make you feel embarrassed, but don\’t let it. Embrace this time of discovery. Don\’t be scared to ask questions, it\’s the only way you\’ll find the answers you\’re looking for.
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