With Thanksgiving…

The last year of my life has been something I could never have imagined. This time in 2023, I was at a point where frustration was my middle name. I was crying multiple times a week and mad at God. Angry at God, avoiding many things/people and mad at myself.
It is now September 2024 and when I look back over the last 12 months I am truly amazed. There have been numerous tough moments, and many contentious times, but God has been doing such work in me that I don’t recognise my responses. Sharon of two years ago would not be sitting here calmly writing this post. She’d probably be swinging in and out of some emotional roller coaster that she couldn’t explain to anyone (literally not having the words), and asking God when the endless cycle would break.
When I look at Sharon now, I see a woman learning to listen to God and actually do what He says. I observe a woman going through the process of purification and sanctification. Someone learning to die daily, and put aside their flesh. It is not an easy job, it pushes you to the limits of your human ability, but my God, is it rewarding! To be able to sit in the stormy boat with Jesus and know that everything will be absolutely okay is something I cannot explain with mere words. To start to see more Christ-likeness in you and your responses to life gives joy and peace that cannot be explained.
It’s not that you don’t feel or see the turmoil around you. It’s not that you are playing the ostrich game and sticking your head in the sand, absolutely not. It is simply that you know the God on your side is so much bigger than the storm, and as long as you are with him, everything will be 100% fine. You understand that you are merely on assignment here and the life you live is truly for Christ. The more self is put to death, the more you are liberated into the freedom God has called you into. This my friends is truly what matters.

And so as I get back into the swing of writing, I am here to announce that I will be kicking off my annual ish gratitude challenge. Every day I will be posting something I am grateful for on my Instagram story and welcoming you to share something you are thankful for! We start on the 15th of September. Everyone is welcome.

The more self is put to death, the more you are liberated into the freedom God has called you into. This my friends is truly what matters.

One thing I have learnt about giving thanks over the years is that it helps refocus you on what is important. It reminds you that amid chaos, there is always always something you can be thankful for.
As we enter the “ember” months, it can be tempting to look at the year and say “Omg, it’s September and x,y, and z are yet to happen” or be disappointed by how the year has gone. Maybe you haven’t ticked off everything on your New Year’s resolution list (in my opinion those lists should be banned but that’s probably just me). Granted things may not be great or even where you expected them to be, and our nature as humans is often to focus on all the bad and ignore all the good. So we will do the “unnatural” thing and choose to focus on one good thing every day and see what that does in our lives and our disposition.

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